Life can be unpredictable, causing disruptions in our regular routines. This shouldn’t halt our fitness journey, though. Training with minimal or no equipment can be surprisingly beneficial. Sometimes, we all could benefit from a touch of simplicity.

We’ve handpicked 10 amazing workouts that you can perform without needing any equipment. Perfect for when you’re on the go, stuck at home, or simply prefer a no-fuss, effective workout.

We always recommend adapting these exercises to suit your capabilities. Despite the simplicity, these workouts can be quite intense when done right!

Workout 1

4 Rounds

12-9-6 reps of

Burpee 🎞
Air Squat 🎞

Rest 90 seconds between rounds.

Time Cap: 20 minutes (including rest)

Workout Flow: Begin this workout with 12 burpees, 12 air squats, 9 burpees, 9 air squats, 6 burpees, 6 air squats, rest 1 minute, repeat for 3 more rounds.

Workout 2

AMRAP 16 Minutes

20 Forward Lunge (10/10) 🎞
2 Wall Walk 🎞
20 Reverse Lunge (10/10) 🎞
2 Wall Walk

Modifications: May substitute 2 wall walks with 4 inchworm + shoulder tap, 4 pike walk out or partial wall walk (only go up to the height you’re comfortable with).

Workout 3

3 Rounds

20 Butterfly Sit-Up 🎞
200m Run
40 Walking Lunge Step (20/20) 🎞
200m Run
20 Butterfly Sit-Up
200m Run

Rest 1 minute between rounds.

Time Cap: 30 minutes (including rest time)

Workout 4

AMRAP 5 Minutes

2-4-6-8-10…reps of

Squat Jump 🎞
Push-Up 🎞 or Handstand Push-Up

Rest 2 minutes

AMRAP 5 Minutes

2-4-6-8-10… reps of

Jumping Lunge (each side) 🎞
Plank Up Down 🎞

Modifications: For advanced trainees that are proficient in gymnastics, feel free to substitute push-ups with strict or kipping handstand push-ups.

Workout 5

EMOM 15 Minutes

5 Air Squat 🎞
5 Push-Up 🎞
5 Squat Jump 🎞
5 Butterfly Sit-Up 🎞

All movement with the indicated number of reps are to be completed within each minute. If first round takes you longer than 40 seconds, lower the number of reps to 4 or less for each exercise.

Workout 6

For Time

50 Air Squat 🎞
15 Push-Up 🎞
40 Air Squat
15 Push-Up
30 Air Squat
15 Push-Up
20 Air Squat
15 Push-Up
10 Air Squat
15 Push-Up

Time Cap: 12 minutes

Modifications: For advanced trainees that are proficient in gymnastics, feel free to substitute push-ups with strict or kipping or strict handstand push-ups.

Workout 7

AMRAP 12 Minutes

1-2-3-4-5-6…reps of

Push-Up + Shoulder Tap 🎞
Broad Jump 🎞 or Box Jump

Suggested Plyo Box Height: Male 20-24β€³ (50-60cm), Female 16-20β€³ (40-50cm).
Suggested Broad Jump Distance: Male 4-5β€², Female 3-4β€².

Consider challenging yourself with a longer distance for broad jumps (higher for box jumps) than what you’re used to.

Workout 8

AMRAP 12 Minutes

9 Air Squat 🎞
6 Burpee 🎞
3 Wall Walk 🎞

Modifications: May substitute 3 wall walks with 6 inchworm + shoulder tap, 6 pike walk out or partial wall walk (only go up to the height you’re comfortable with).

Workout 9

For Time

200 Walking Lunge Step (100/100) 🎞

Every 2 minutes, starting with 0:00 perform 10 push-up + 20 double under.

Time Cap: 15 minutes

Workout 10

6 Rounds

12 Burpee 🎞
12 Air Squat 🎞
12 Alternating Leg V-Up (6/6) 🎞

Time Cap: 18 minutes